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Box Casting Pack
Studio Fuser Sample Pack
Dichroic Sample Pack
Torchworking Sample Pack
Billet Sample Pack
Boro Batch Full Length Sample Pack
This is a sample pack of the Boro Batch line, which includes full length rods of the most popular colors from the Boro Batch line. This sample pack includes 1...
Boro Batch Half Length Sample Pack
This is a sample pack of the Boro Batch line, which includes half length rods of the most popular colors from the Boro Batch line. This sample pack includes 1...
Boro Batch Transparent Sample Pack
Item name:  Boro Batch – Transparent Sample Pack Item ID: [BB-SP-Transparent] Item Description:  This is a sample pack of the Boro Batch line, which includes full length rods of the...
Boro Batch Opaque/Semi Opaque Sample Pack
Item name:  Boro Batch – Opaque and Semi Opaque Sample Pack Item ID: [BB-SP-Opaque-Semi-Opaque] Item Description: This is a sample pack of the Boro Batch line, which includes full length...
Boro Batch Striking Sample Pack
Item name:  Boro Batch – Striking Sample Pack Item ID: [BB-SP-Striking] Item Description:  This is a sample pack of the Boro Batch line, which includes full length rods of the...
Boro Batch CFL and UV Pink Sample Pack
Item name:  Boro Batch – CFL and UV Pink Sample Pack Item ID: [BB-SP-CFL-UV] Item Description: This is a sample pack of the Boro Batch line, which includes full length...