Glass Loaves, Leonardo da Vinci, and Loren Stump…

Glass Loaves, Leonardo da Vinci, and Loren Stump…
Have you heard the name Loren Stump? Get ready for your mind to be blown... this is lampworking at a whole new level.


In the interview Stump is asked how he is able to achieve what is called Murrine, “Breaking down elaborate pictures or ideas into detailed components. The components are built up from strokes of molten glass (as with painting), to create eyes, noses and mouths. Then these components are heated and stretched to a smaller size. The components are then cut to shorter pieces and assembled hot with a torch to create an image. An elaborate image may contain hundreds of components and be assembled and pulled and reassembled many times” (Sumner, 2014).


Sumner, M. (2014, June 10). This glass ‘loaf’ with detailed artwork is the most awesome thing we’ve seen all year – Lost At E Minor: For creative people. Retrieved July 28, 2014, from


Please remember this is just glass in the hands of a genius.


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